130 homes hit hard by floods in FyzabadSome 130 residents of Fyzabad were affected after flood waters gushed into their properties and homes yesterday.
Fed up of this situation, residents and Fyzabad MP Lackram Bodoe called on the authorities to fix the four of seven sluice gates which have been non-functional for several years. The areas affected were St John Trace, Avocat, Ackbar Trace and Chatter Avenue. Resident Rodney Ramjit, who owns a furniture factory at St John’s Trace, estimated his losses to be more than $75,000. He said, “The flood come up so fast I did not get time to move out everything. We save some things, but I lost a lot of fabric, foam and materials.” He said it began raining heavily on yesterday morning and by 4 pm the river had burst its banks and the flood waters started to rise. He called on the Government to dredge the river and fix the floodgates. “The main problem is that seven years now this river not clean and then four floodgates not working. And that is the main problem causing this flood,” Ramjit said. “We constantly complaining about it to the Ministry of Works but they doing absolutely nothing. The minister came and looked at it at the beginning of the year, but nothing was done. I fed up of this thing. I have a business and I losing a lot of money.” When the T&T Guardian called him later on in the day, he said the flood waters had risen again. “Look the water coming up again. I have to call for help,” Ramjit said. Bodoe and his staff were yesterday out in the floods rendering assistance to the residents and distributing water and food supplies. He expressed concern about “government’s reluctance” to repair the sluice gates at St John Trace. “As a result of this the flood water, flow to the Godineau River and Gulf of Paria has been delayed. I call on the Minister of Works again to effect repairs to those sluice gates.” Bodoe also complained that he had received no help from the government agencies. “So far, it’s just my staff and some members of the community who have been rendering help. The residents are indicating that the water is still rising and they are a little bit fearful about what will happen,” Bodoe said, adding he and his staff will be out in the field today again rendering aid. The Fyzabad Anglican Secondary School was closed yesterday. The Ministry of Education also said the North Oropouche Government Primary, North Oropouche RC and Debe Hindu SDMS Primary School were closed as a result of the deteriorating weather. “There were also early dismissals for several other primary and secondary schools and Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Centres because students and teachers were not able to access the school compound due to flooding in the communities,” the ministry added. The Penal Quinam Government Primary School was opened as an emergency shelter for residents of Penal/Debe and Barrackpore who were hard hit by the floods. Source: Guardian
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