1. ARIMA is the Amerindian word for “water”. It was so named as the village was built around a river. 2. AROUCA is based around the word “Arauca”, which is the true name for the so-called Arawak. 3. The adjacent beach, BALANDRA, is named after a type of boat that docked there. 4. BARATARIA is possibly named after a prank involving a fake island of the same name in Cervantes’ Don Quixote. “Barato” itself means cheap. 5. BICHE is named after the French word for “beast” because it was first started off as a settlement for hunters. 6. The settlement was first called Ladies River, but later on a French surveyor named it after the French term for “washer-woman” -BLANCHISSEUSE. 7. When boats were docked in Port-of-Spain, they were carried along the bay to be cleaned. This was called “careening” and so sprang the name CARENAGE. 8. CAURA was based off of an Amerindian word “Cuara” which meaning is lost now. The settlers of Caura were said to be so lazy and secluded that their village never thrived and was left mostly abandoned. A CORRECTION MADE BY A DESCENDANT FROM THE CAURA AREA: Caura ancestors were not lazy. They carried their church brick by brick to the Lopinot Valley. A dam scheduled there was never built and the Government never gave them back their land. 9. When the Spanish sailors arrived at this coast, they noticed many tall cedar trees. And they called it the Spanish word for cedars, CEDROS. 10. CHAGUANAS is named after the group of indigenous peoples that lived there, known as the Chaguanes. Smaller villages in Chaguanas were so named to positively motivate its early settlers - Felicity, Endeavour, Enterprise. 1. You break biche at least once in your lifetime, skipping school or extra lessons to lime in the mall with your friends.
2. If someone noticed a blue-black bruise on your skin, they would tell you that a soucouyant came into your room during the night and sucked your blood. 3. Even if there’s a zebra crossing a few meters away, you will still jaywalk and get angry when cars honk at you. 4. Your teacher asked if you ate ‘parrot bottom’ for breakfast because you couldn’t stop chatting with your friends during classes. 5. You know how to suck sugarcane, pelt mango, make a chickichong kite out of cocoyea broomsticks, flour paste and a copybook page, pitch marbles and play Scooch or Moral with a worn out tennis ball. 6. You used to go by Tantie to buy snacks like pholourie, tambran ball, chili bibi, red mango, suck-a-bag and penna cool. 7. You used to look forward to the July/August vacation because it meant spending hours digging for tiny clam-like chip chip on the beach. 8. You used to run outside whenever you heard the ice cream van’s song or the snowcone man’s bell. 9. You got ‘licks’ or a good ‘cut tail’ because you did something wrong or you talked back to your parents. 10. You would sing sexually explicit soca or dancehall songs but only under your breath whenever your mother or father was present. 11. You watched a Bollywood/Indian movie at least once in your lifetime. 12. You put ketchup, mustard and pepper sauce on pizza. 13. You used to collect a seed called ‘donkey eye’, rub it on the ground or against a concrete wall and sting your friends with it. 14. If you swallowed a seed, no matter how big or small, your parents would tell you that it would grow inside you. 15. A pothound/dustbin terrier was one of the first pets you ever had. 16. If your parents heard a hurricane was coming, they would buy out the grocery’s stock of tinned sardines, Vienna sausages and Crix. 17. You call all nail polish Cutex, all washing up liquid Squeezy and all laundry detergent Breeze. 18. You can make chow with any half-ripe fruit or vegetable. 19. You played cricket or football in the street and had to stop the game to let the traffic pass. 20. For Trinis, going to Tobago was like going to a totally different country; vice versa for Tobagonians. 21. You learned how to ‘wine’, played ‘mas’ at a school ‘jump up’, sang backup for a friend at the school’s calypso competition or decorated a costume even if your parents didn’t let you play Carnival. 22. Whenever you went on a family drive anywhere on the islands, your parents had to stop and say hello to every relative or friend they knew on the way there and back. And you had to eat something or drink a sweet drink at every house. 23. You learned to steups or suck your teeth in disgust even before you came out of your mother’s womb |
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February 2025